617. Sex and Violence - Rgi szp idk
2005.01.30. 15:36
Dawson j filmtlethez keres pnzt, de amikor felntt vlsi trtnett sztriptz-sztoriv torztjk, Todd tancsra otthagyja a stdit. Jen s C.J. szexgyeken vitznak, amg a nagyi ssze nem bkti ket. Joey a tavaszi sznetben Pacey titkrnje lesz, ami kisebb bonyodalmakat s fltkenysgi jeleneteket okoz a pr kztt. Mr gy tnik minden rendben lenne s vgre jra boldogok lehetnnek egymssal, mikor Eddie felbukkan a brban...
Joey agrees to be Pacey's temporary assistant but they both have second thoughts when their mutual jealousy leads to disaster in the office and her being fired. Pacey fires Joey, admitting he is too attracted to her to get any work done, but their romance is thwarted once again when Eddie unexpectedly returns to Boston. Much to his surprise, Dawson sells his idea for a coming-of-age movie, but when the studio wants to change the movie to a teen sex film, he must decide if he should take the deal or stick with his original concept. Meanwhile, an open-minded Grams is the intermediary that brings Jen and C.J. together.