614. Clean and Sober - Hinta - palinta
2005.01.30. 15:24
Pacey ristvt vesz, s bulit rendez. Emma otthagyta az egyetemet, mert frjet kell fognia, hogy ne toloncoljk ki. Vlasztottjt, Gust knytelenek kipenderteni a bulirl, majd Jack prbl frjnek ajnlkozni, hiba. Joey tovbbra is az alkohol rabja, C.J. viszont ellenll ennek a ksrtsnek, csak Jennek nem. Dawson Audreyval tlt egy napot az elvonkrn, s flfedez a betegek kzt egy valaha hres producert…
When Dawson visits Audrey at rehab, he spots a big time producer and follows her into a therapy session. Meanwhile, Pacey throws a party to celebrate his new success and is surprised when Joey lets loose during a spontaneous game of spin the bottle; Jen catches reformed alcoholic C.J. with a drink; and Jack agrees to marry Emma so that she can get her green card.