323. True Love - Igaz szerelem
2005.01.30. 12:33
Vge a tanvnek, mindenki a nyri sznetre kszl. Joey Dawson anyukjnak segt az eskvi elkszletekben, s elvllalja a nyoszolylny szerept. Pacey azt tervezi, hogy elkeseredsben egsz nyron hajzni fog, a btyja viszont nem rt vele egyet, s azt tancsolja neki, hogy az t eltt mindenkppen szemtl-szemben valljon szerelmet Joey-nak. Jen s Henry nem llnak szba egymssal, de miutn Nagyi az szinte szerelemrl mesl, a lny rdbben, hogy szerelmes Henry-be. Felkerekednek, hogy utolrjk az edztborba indul Henry autbuszt, hogy Jen vgre szerelmet tudjon neki vallani… Dawson szlei jra sszehzasodnak. Joey-ban nehezen tisztzdnak az rzelmek Dawson s Pacey irnt.
True Love – 323. episode:
’Pacey! Pacey! Pacey!’
’Do you want something, Jo?’
’I want to talk to you.’
’No, no. A bit late for this now. I'm leaving. You can't stop me. So don't even try.’
’No. That's not why I'm here.’
’So why are you here? You wanna say goodbye again? Maybe you wanted to rub it in a little?’
’I don't wanna stop you, Pacey. I don't wanna stop Dawson. And I don't want to be stopped.
Not by either of you. Not by anyone. That's what this year has been about. We've been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up, but.... But not you. I mean, you're different. And you've challenged me every step of the way. And you've been there
every step of the way.’
’Jo, departure time is in T-minus 30 seconds. So if there's a point, I suggest you get to it.’
’I think l'm in love with you.’
’You think or you know?’
’I know. I've known it since the moment you kissed me... and maybe even before that,
and.... Scary as it is, I don't wantto deny it anymore, Pacey. I don't want to run from it,
and I don't want to let it run from me.’
’So... what are we gonna do here, Jo?’
’I want to come with you.’
’Are you crazy?’
’I wanna stop standing still and move forward. I wanna come with you.’
’What about Bessie and the B&B? They need you.’
’Not as much as l need you, Pacey….Permission to come aboard?’
’Permission granted.’
’You can swim, can't you?’
’Of course…I'm kind of worried about
the next change of clothes.’
’There's nothing to worry about. We're gonna hit the next port in a few days.’
’A few days?’
’Yeah. Or a few days after that….’