618. Love Bites - Adok-kapok
2005.01.30. 15:41
Dawson visszatr Capeside-ba, hogy j forgatknyvn dolgozzon. meg akarja ragadni azt az rzst, amikor 15 vesen mg a felhtlen kamaszok lmodoz lett lte.
A Nagyi elmondja jennek, hogy rkos s lehetsges, hogy meg fog halni. Ezt Jen nagyon nehez dolgozza fel s mindenkppen segteni szeretne a nagyinak. Pacey elksri Joeyt Harley iskolai bljra. De Eddie felbukkansa sszezavarja a lnyt. A bl vgn dnt: Eddie mellett s szakt Pacey-vel.
Dawson returns to Capeside to work on his next script, and Gale asks him what will he do in case his plans of becoming a sucessful director fall through. Dawson thinks of the times when he was 15 and life was a lot easier and asks his mother to have faith for him because he will succeed. Meanwhile, Pacey escorts Joey to Harley's school dance, where they have a perfect time despite Harley's date picking a fight with another guy. Joey tells Pacey she can't have anything with him because Eddie is back. Grams tells Jen she has breast cancer, and Jen sees her entire world fall apart with the possibility of Grams's death.